As a temporary measure to minimize risk of Corona virus all new appointments will be triage by the Doctors by telephone only. The Doctor will discuss how to help you & if necessary arrange a face to face appointment. For the time-being, there will be NO Face-to-face Appointments to Book Directly.
Our priority is to provide the safest care possible for you, the patient, and also our staff, in the current circumstances. With this in mind we are suspending all non-urgent physical access to the practice until further notice. If you have a pre-existing appointment we will contact you with a plan.
- If you have: a new continuous cough, fever, new shortness of breath, flu-like symptoms or have been in contact with anyone with a diagnosis of covid-19, and you feel unable to self-manage, please use this NHS 111 link.
- If you have any other medical problem, that can’t be self managed, please submit an eConsultation (or phone our practice number if you are unable to do so). Your query will be triage by a clinician and you will be contacted by text, phone, email with a management plan.
- If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please dial 999
Treatment for Coronavirus
There is currently no specific treatment for Coronavirus.
Antibiotics do not help, as they do not work against viruses.
Treatment aims to relieve the symptoms while your body fights the illness.
You'll need to stay in isolation, away from other people, until you have recovered.