How To Make An Appointment
Same day appointments
We are a extremely busy practice, and providing same day appointments makes it easier for you to see a doctor quickly. 60% of our GP appointments are urgent same day appointments. You can phone or come into surgery at 8AM for urgent same day appointments. These appointments cannot be used for repeat medications or sick notes.
We now also offer an e-consultation service so we can offer our patients better access to advice and treatment. The online consultation service is only for patients registered at this practice aged 16 and over; and for parents or legal guardians of children over 6 months. E-consultations can be complete via our website and only take a couple of minutes. Once complete a clinician can then call, email or send you an SMS Message by the end of the next working day to offer you advice, tell you whether you need an appointment or offer you a prescription.
We kindly ask that you include your most up-to-date contact information at the start of your e-consultation to enable our clinicians to contact you.